Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Photo of the opening page of Cathy Coley’s new Patreon page.
In my last entry I discussed a new project I'm working on. I'm making some headway in it, and edited my last blog post here to reflect the work as it is now. I have gone far enough that I have a sense of where the story leads, even as I research the current events of 1981, and continue to "Pants it" in the parlance of writers. I'm usually more a plotter-pantser, but this one is slowly shaping up with the research.
I have opened a Patreon to hold myself accountable to producing a chapter a month which I will start posting next week, with patrons anticipating chapters. I will do my best to write, edit, and present a clean chapter every month. All chapters are subject to change as the story progresses and I need to fill in, change, or remove details from earlier chapters.
Meanwhile I have stacks of poems and short stories I can collect and produce in print editions, and will post those in my Patreon, too, as I gather them for collections. I am organizing drafts of abandoned manuscripts I'm prepping to finish after my current work in progress. If my projection calculations are correct, I have the next five years or so laid out to produce works and release them myself with backing from patrons. I have always written, now is the time to value myself, and the years I have already put into things I noodled away in the last handful of years in quiet, slowly through many life challenges. Please join me in Patreon and you'll get a sneak peek at what I think is going to be a really brazen, heartfelt, fantastic look at the early 80s through the eyes of a fifteen turning sixteen year old girl.
Thank you for reading,